Procedure Icons Face BBL Sciton

BBL® by Sciton

BBL® by Sciton is an innovative series of treatments that can significantly improve your skin. BBL uses broadband light technology to make changes to your skin at the cellular level, resolving issues like acne, sun damage, and fine lines, scarring. This treatment can also address unwanted hair and hyperpigmentation.

Procedure Icons Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels use a combination of serums and solutions to remove the outermost layer of your skin and resolve many common skin care concerns, such as sun spots, discoloration, and scarring. You can improve the appearance of acne blemishes and certain signs of aging, like fine lines or wrinkles, with chemical peels.

Procedure Icons Face Halo Laser

Halo® Laser

Halo® laser technology is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that can address a wide variety of skin issues. Halo uses ablative or non-ablative lasers to reduce the appearance of scarring, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles, as well as sun damage, enlarged pores, and uneven skin tone.

Procedure Icons Moxi Laser

Moxi® Laser

Moxi® laser is an advanced cosmetic treatment that uses fractional lasers to resolve several different complexion concerns. The Moxi laser can reduce the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, and discoloration. This treatment can also stimulate new collagen production to create a more youthful appearance.

Procedure Icons Face Hydrafacial


If you are experiencing dry, dull skin, HydraFacial® treatment could be a great solution. HydraFacials can revive and rejuvenate skin by deeply cleansing your skin while providing deep exfoliation, nourishing the skin’s cells, and thoroughly hydrating dry skin.

Procedure Icons Cooltone


CoolTone® is an FDA-cleared body sculpting treatment that can enhance muscle tone and create a more sculpted figure. CoolTone stimulates intense muscle contractions to give you the effects of an intense workout, toning the arms, legs, stomach, and buttocks.