Internal Juvederm

As time passes, your skin’s natural vibrancy can diminish due to the inevitable aging process, leading to a loss of volume and the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles. Skinvive by JUVÉDERM® offers a transformative solution to restore your skin’s youthful radiance. Explore the rejuvenating benefits of Skinvive at The Heights Plastic Surgery Med Spa in San Antonio.

What Is Skinvive by JUVÉDERM?

Skinvive is a cutting-edge dermal filler from the renowned JUVÉDERM family, designed to address signs of aging and revitalize your skin. Formulated with hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the skin, Skinvive provides a non-surgical approach to enhance facial contours, smooth wrinkles, and promote a more youthful appearance.

How Does Skinvive Work?

During a Skinvive treatment session, our skilled injector strategically administers the dermal filler to targeted areas, replenishing lost volume and stimulating natural collagen production. Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains moisture, improving skin hydration and elasticity.

Results from Skinvive are often visible immediately, offering a refreshed and natural-looking enhancement. The continued collagen stimulation contributes to sustained improvements over time. Multiple sessions may be recommended for optimal results, depending on individual goals.

Skinvive FAQs

Skinvive results are long-lasting, with effects typically lasting up to a year or more. The longevity of results varies based on individual factors and the treated area.

Yes, Skinvive is a safe and FDA-approved dermal filler. Our experienced team at The Heights Plastic Surgery Med Spa ensures a safe and comfortable experience for each patient.

Skinvive is versatile and can enhance various facial areas, including nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and the lips.

You can resume your daily activities immediately after Skinvive treatment. Some temporary redness or swelling may occur, but these side effects typically subside quickly.

Discover Your Inner Glow at Our San Antonio Med Spa

Skinvive by JUVÉDERM can revitalize your skin, offering a natural-looking enhancement that restores youthfulness. If you want to learn more about Skinvive or wish to schedule a consultation, contact The Heights Plastic Surgery Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, at (210) 201-4114. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals and rediscover the radiant skin you deserve.